স্বাগতম Our Company -
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বাদ্যযন্ত্র জল ঝর্ণা

কোন নির্দিষ্ট নির্দিষ্ট এলাকা আচ্ছাদিত করা হবে, এটি 100sft হিসাবে ছোট একটি এলাকায় ইনস্টল করা যেতে পারে 20,000 sft হিসাবে বড় যদি আরো না।

বাবল ওয়াল ফোয়ারা

Bubble Wall Fountains are a great product from Indoor Decoration as it requires minimum maintenance and gets you the appreciation all the same.

প্রাচীর ঝর্ণা

সিংহ ফেস ওয়াল ফাউন্টেন এফআরপি ছাঁচনির্মাণ প্রক্রিয়ায় নির্মিত। আকার: এইচটি -3 ফুট, ট্যাঙ্কের মধ্যে সমস্ত নদীর গভীরতানির্ণয় আনুষাঙ্গিক সহ 2 ফুট, জলরোধী বৈদ্যুতিক তারের এবং নিমজ্জিত পাম্প। এফআরপি এবং বালির পাথর সমাপ্তিতে সম্পূর্ণ কাজ।

Tier Fountain Garden

The Products goes through a 4 Layered Packing Stage where first layer protects the product from Water, Dust, etc. The Second Layer is the Thermocol Covering from all sides that keep it safe from Damages. The third Layer involves the Cardboard Packing and the last layer is the Wooden Crate packing for keeping it intact and safe.

গার্ডেন ফোয়ারা

Quality of the fountain remains intact for years as we do not compromise with the quality of our products under any circumstances. Come join our family and live royally.

ড্যান্ডেলিয়ন ফাউন্

Full Dandelion Fountain is one of the favourites for outdoor fountain . However we have varieties of sizes of Brass Brass Ball of 6", 8" 10" with Aluminium / Stainless Steel Spokes 0f 18"/24" with 42 / 72 /102 spokes per fountin fitted with Brass Nozzles.

Programmable Musical Fountain

The system is such designed that it can run on 220V as well as 440V Size of submersible mentioned could be in variation of multiple pumps but should equal to the Horse Power mentioned.

Dandelion Fountain

Full Dandelion Fountain is one of the favourites for outdoor fountain . However we have varieties of sizes of Brass Brass Ball of 6" with Aluminium Spokes 0f 18" with 42 spokes per fountin fitted with Brass Nozzles. We coupled with Our designed L.E.D. lighting structures uses very minimal energy and provide extravaganza in lighting effects. Tata Make Ganvanised Pipes & Fittings are inluded as part of the fountain.


The system is such designed that it can run on 220V as well as 440V Size of submersible mentioned could be in variation of multiple pumps but should equal to the Horse Power mentioned.

Stainless Steel Waterfall Spillway

Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, this wall-mounted spillway offers a modern and elegant look.

Water bubble fountain

Bubble Wall Fountains are a great product from Indoor Decoration as it requires minimum maintenance and gets you the appreciation all the same.

Spilway Fountain

Spillway or Water Sheet Outdoor Fountain With L.E.D. Wall Washer Lights With Controller for Changing Light RGB. All Plumbing accessories within tank, Waterproof Electrical Wiring, Structure made of FRP.

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